
Bodybuilding Definition
Bodybuilding is a form of body modification involving intensive muscle hypertrophy; an individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder. In competitive bodybuilding, bodybuilders display their physiques to a panel of judges, who assign points based on their appearance. The muscles are revealed through a combination of fat loss, oils, and tanning (or tanning lotions) which combined with lighting make the definition of the muscle group more distinct.
People well-known for being bodybuilders include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, and Charles Atlas. Currently, three time winner Jay Cutler holds the title of Mr. Olympia, as the world's top bodybuilder. |
Natural Bodybuilding Definition |
Natural bodybuilding is the practice or participation in the form of body modification, known as bodybuilding; and to do this without the use of banned substances. Most commonly referring to the use of illegal performance-enhancing drugs such as: human growth hormone and anabolic steroids. In the sport of natural bodybuilding, the classification of natural is based on the organization you are competing in. It is to be noted that though natural bodybuilders do not use illegal substances or drugs, they do however use product supplements and other legal products. |
Bodybuilding benefit
Many people tend to disregard their body conditions. In fact, thousands in the populace in the whole world are obese or malnourish in terms of the standard weight and height set by the health department. In recent studies conducted by the department of health, most food intake of average American contains voluminous fats. Fats are important in giving person energy to work however, excess fats are dangerous to health and may cause possible health breakdown.
Exercise and body building is one way of burning fat permanently. When muscles are being worked out and a certain amount of stress at a given time, it reacts in a way that it forms itself in a certain shape. Every form or type of exercise correspond to what part of the body you want to develop. For example, when you want to develop the muscles of your chest, there are several routines that must be done. You may lift dumbbells while lying. There are so many muscles that can be developed in the human body. There are unique ways and routines that are used to develop every muscle in the body.
There are a number of benefits that one can get from body building. The very first benefit that you will gain out of body building is the physical development. The development of the physiological aspect of humans can be regarded as a natural occurrence and does not need any further effort to achieve such development. However, due to distorted lifestyles and destroyed environment, the natural development is stagnated or better yet staggered which in some way need a little effort on the side of humans to achieve the physiological development. |