
Warm up
The warm up activities are a crucial part of any exercise regime or sports training. The importance of a structured warm up routine should not be under estimated when it comes to the prevention of sports injury.
Warming up should at least consist of the following:
5 to 10 minutes jogging - to increase body temperature
Free Weights
Strength training offers fitness and health benefits for both males and females throughout their lifetimes. Because of this, it should be a part of fitness programs for everyone from children, adults to seniors.
Many different types of equipment --free weights, plate-loaded machines, resistance machines - can be used to weight train effectively, but each has its own particular characteristics that can benefit different exercisers in pursuit of different fitness goals. Free weights are very versatile, allowing the performance of many exercises with the same piece of equipment. |
Resistance exercise is a necessity in any fitness program. Weight training strengthens tendons and ligaments, increases bone density and builds lean body mass - which burns fat! Furthermore, when combined with a program of aerobic activity and proper diet, resistance exercise enables you to have that sexy, sculptured look. |
Cardio-Vascular (CV)
Fitness is a combination of muscular performance, body composition, and cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular fitness is reflects the body's ability to use oxygen to release energy. Improving your cardiovascular fitness increases your supply of oxygen (and energy), and can lead to prolonged endurance and optimum performance. By conditioning your cardiovascular system, you can also decrease your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and other life-threatening diseases.
Cool Down
Once you have finished any form of physical activity, you should slowly allow your heart rate and breathing to lower to a comfortable level, where talking can be performed with ease. Light exercise such as walking on treadmill, or easy cycling are very good, as both of these will allow you to hydrate yourself and also put on warm clothing.
Stretching used to be considered the main activity before a workout. However that has all changed now. Stretching is still a beneficial activity prior to working out, but only after you have sufficiently warmed up. The reason for this is that stretching cold muscles can directly contribute to pulled and torn muscles. |